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Our services

How can we help you

Do you need a gift for someone or need to scratch a creative itch, perhaps a new addition to your garden or office space. Our services can accomadate you different need for succulents. Reach out to our team for any questions on how to get statred on your next masterpiece.

Gift a Pot of Succulents!

Looking for a gift idea? We can design and build a pot of succulents and deliver them to whomever you are gifting them to. Free delivery within 5 miles of shop, and only $1 per mile thereafter.

Build Your Own Pot!

Take home a pot full of succulents of your choice! If you would like to bring your own pot or buy one from us, then pick out the succulents of your choice, and we can pot them up with free soil and decorative top rocks. Price varies with pot and succulent choices.

Save Your Plants!

Do you have a pot of succulents that’s not looking too good or is in need of re-potting? Bring it on in for a re-pot service with our custom succulent soil. Prices vary with pot size, starting at $5.

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